Honors & Awards
PhD Recruitment Fellowship: UT Austin Department of Geography & The Environment
UT Libraries Map & Geospatial Collections Explorer Fellowship ($1,500)
Get Us PPE Communications x Data Fellow
— Twice awarded for communications and data analysis + visualization work
Taco Bell: Live Más Scholarship Winner
Women in Media Scholarship Winner
Texas Space Grant Scholar
— 2X awardee of support from the Texas Space Grant Consortium for work at NASA, StarDate, and the Texas Rocket Engineering Lab.
Zaffirini Faculty-Nominated Scholarship Winner
— Faculty-Nominated-Only University Scholarship for passion and outstanding commitment to study both in and outside of the classroom
NASA Intern Honorable Mention Award
— An award for outstanding performance and lasting contributions during an internship. Typically reserved for STEM students.
Notable Alumni
—Featured as a notable alumni of my high school.